
Showing posts from February, 2020

narrative project


Reflection grade

There are a lot of things I’m going to do different next semester. One thing I’m going to try to do is not procrastinate as much as I did this semester. I’m also going to try to put more thought into my project and not just try to find the most convenient thing. GRADE: C+

The importance of art

I agree but also disagree with this statement. Yes, i think school should use money to prepare students for the workforce, but i also think they should spend money to fund the arts. Not everyone is going to have a 9-5 office job. Schools need to use tax money to also fund the arts and the passions of kids who's jobs wont be in an office. Classes like these help people express themselves. There are also many jobs in the arts that kids can get. Its also a break from academic classes and doing something they like.

forced perception


what art? 1

1.  I think the mood of the images is tense. Their expressions don't seem happy, and more that they're waiting for something to happen or are angry. Even the first models posture seems tense. The second ones posture seems more careless. 2. I think these images were created using either oil paints or maybe oil pastels. I don't think photoshop was used.  3. I think red is the role color that plays in the images. I think it accentuates the mood by displaying a type of anger maybe. 4. I think artist is trying to convey certain emotions in the image. That's why they made sure to include facial expressions and the postures. I think they was trying to evoke a response feelings of anger or defiance. I think they were successful.