semester 1 reflection

I think that  I did a good job for the first semester of photo 1. I did my best to fulfill each assignment and make it the best I could.  I also did my best to complete my work on time. I also tried to go beyond my first idea for a lot of my projects.

 I tried to put a lot of effort into my projects. I  wish I didn't procrastinate some of them like I did though, so i’ll work on that better for semester 2. I shot a lot more than I needed to for most projects to make sure i got a perfect picture. I would try to look for more convenient locations and subjects, but I did make an effort to make them look nice.

I was almost always on time for class this semester. I would work throughout the block and I used class time productively. I usually worked independently unless I needed help on a step.

I think I improved alot through the semester. I had little to no experience with photoshop coming into this class, but now I can go a lot of things in photoshop. I also think my composition is better than before. I also think I have more compelling images than I previously have taken.

There are a lot of things I’m going to do different next semester. One thing I’m going to try to do is not procrastinate as much as I did this semester. I’m also going to try to put more thought into my project and not just try to find the most convenient thing.

Part 2:

I think a cool project would be another color project or an object project. Another cool idea would be to do a project like the midterm, where you give us an object but there’s not a huge limit on what we can do.


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