
Showing posts from December, 2019

response part 2

The change in viewpoint changes my interpretation because now i can see thats its not photoshopped. The image looks like the people are either painting the girl or they are putting the image on the wall. The person is hanging by a rope putting the image on the wall. The area looks a little run down and it looks like there is law enforcement there. There is also a private property sign, so I think the artist is vandalizing the building. It also looks like the artists may have put it on the building in separate parts because it looks like it is cut in some sections. The image is very large because the artist wants people to look at it and maybe think about what the image is about. I think the intended audience could be anybody given the location of it being in a city. The girl in the image looks sad, or even a little emotionless.

semester 1 reflection

I think that  I did a good job for the first semester of photo 1. I did my best to fulfill each assignment and make it the best I could.  I also did my best to complete my work on time. I also tried to go beyond my first idea for a lot of my projects.  I tried to put a lot of effort into my projects. I  wish I didn't procrastinate some of them like I did though, so i’ll work on that better for semester 2. I shot a lot more than I needed to for most projects to make sure i got a perfect picture. I would try to look for more convenient locations and subjects, but I did make an effort to make them look nice. I was almost always on time for class this semester. I would work throughout the block and I used class time productively. I usually worked independently unless I needed help on a step. I think I improved alot through the semester. I had little to no experience with photoshop coming into this class, but now I can go a lot of things in photoshop. I also think my composition





Response to the work by Gottfried Helnwein

This image looks like someone is climbing on a face. It almost looks like he is sculpting a statue. I think it is both an artistic image and a documentary image. I think the image was photoshopped. I think the meaning has something to do with insecurities and the photographers idea of perfection. I think the photographers intent was to show that statues are the only perfect things in life, and everyone has flaws, so nobody is perfect. The scale difference makes me believe the image was photoshopped.