psychological fear



  1. I think the way you convey your emotions is pretty fye. Good use of location to express your message.

  2. I think you were trying to convey a fear of being judged by society. I think you were successful in doing so. You did a good job on conveying your fear.

  3. 1- I think the photo is conveying a fear of being alone.
    2- I think the photo is mostly successful.
    3- The photo is very well taken and has good contrast.
    4- I think the photo would have looked better iff you had added even more contrast between yourself and the setting around you.

  4. I think this image is revealing the fear of public judgment. I really liked the way "sententiaphobia" was put on the sign instead of putting it randomly on the image. The only thing I would critique is maybe having more people in the image to show more judgment. I also like the location of the photo.


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