Are You Lost in the World Like Me?

"Are You Lost in the World Like Me?" Questions

1. The general premise of the video is that the world is glued to their phones. It appears that people don't pay attention or care about the world around them. The video displays society's true colors behind the social media posts, revealing that civilization today only cares about the number of followers and likes they get on social media.

2. I believe the video conveys the intended message effectively. It forces the audience to begin thinking about their current lifestyles and ways they can change for future reference because they see themselves as is society represented in the video.

3. I believe the video represents both a warning and an example of today's society. I don't think our society is too far gone yet when it comes to important events, for example, when the girl was committing suicide. The only way people saw was through their phones, so I don't think that it's too late to try and change, which would be presented as a warning. However, I do believe that a lot of people only do things or act a certain way because of social media and what social media wants to see. I honestly think it depends on perspective, but I see how the video could represent the present and the future in certain aspects. 
